Transformation as a Survival Tactic, update: Spring 2021

Just a quick update on the release window for “Transformation.” I haven’t had as much time as I anticipated to wrap up the production of this EP. Because of that I have to push it back a couple months.

I know not many people are even paying attention, but this is good practice.

I’m even considering releasing a vinyl version of this, which you are probably thinking, “But David! did you post what a horrible mistake the last vinyl release was?”

Yes, i sure did. I want to do things a bit different, change up the conditions, so we’ll see. I’m not promising anything, but just know that it is being considered.

Oh and one last thing, i mentioned not having time to work. That’s changing. I’ve been making some small changes to my life over the last 7-9 months, and one of those changes, is a bit larger than small, but I’ve made it all the same, which will free me up to work on things I really care about. I’m going to write up a whole post next about what those changes have been.

Hope everyone is well.


EP Teaser Video


Transformation as a Survival Tactic. New EP, Winter 2021